
My 2011 calender for you

As we begin the year, I would like to share with you some of my images recently posted for download in the form of bookmarks. These 2011 Calendar Bookmarks  cover the first quarter of this year and feature three of my favorite ones captured in 2010 from the Berkeley telephone pole series Typography Graveyard.

For downloadable PRINTER version, click here and enjoy

In general things have been slow all last year due to my being in cardiovascular rehabilitation and though I graduated at the end of August, I since returned six weeks later till early mid-December. The year 2011 will remain guarded, yet I have decided that health issues should no longer dictate my life as it has these past two years., this also means no longer bringing it in future posts.

A few days ago, during meditations I scribbled a few words in my notebook, then revisited them the following day. The following line represents my path for this year.

The dreams you have sealed away,
give them the breath of life so that you may experience living.”

In closing I wish to thank you dear reader for having ventured with me these last nineteen months and though I cannot predict what this years offerings will bring for us, my notebooks have been filled with ideas which deserve another closer look.

Thank you for your visit
and comment . . . 


Leslie Avon Miller said...

What a beautiful gift Egmont.

Unknown said...

Dear Egmont, I hope that your journey through 2011 is filled with only happy times and the fulfillment of your creative dreams. I'll be following along ...

Folk Heart said...

I am so excited and encouraged to see this post. I think your ideas of what the future for you will encompass is a healthy and yet inspired one. I am facing my own challenges to be more heart healthy, facing some surgery and big lifestyle changes, and struggling with what that might mean to my artistic endeavors and inspirations. I need to see you fly now!

The Artist Within Us said...

Dear Folk Heart,

Your words give me strength and I wish to give you encouragement as well, but there is no link back to you or an email address and yet I am hoping this message reaches you. Please send me an email so that I may reply in private.

Warmest regards,

Laura said...

What a gift, these words that came to you (from you)...yes live we must, we are fragile, it is true, but living as fully as possible moment to moment (and that fullness shifts) is what we are here to do/be.

Ian Foster said...

A great idea Egmont, thank you for this. I will be downloading and printing straight away. Best wishes for the coming year.

Kelly M. said...

what else can one do but live? many thanks for all your words of encouragement to us over the past months; your visits to my blog mean so much!

Seth said...

Nice to see you back on the blog Egmont. I am sending out wishes to you for a happy and HEALTHY 2011.

isabel gutiérrez said...

Querido Egmont, ya he imprimido el calendario para estos tres próximos meses. Lo tendré delante para contemplar tus estupendas fotografías. Muchas gracias por hacer todo este trabajo para los amigos de la red.

Cuídate mucho y da la importancia justa a tu corazón, ni más ni menos. Tenemos varios proyectos por delante y hay que pensar en ellos.

Muchos besos, Isabel

Te mando por correo una Photo Booth con tu calendario.

Dianne Poinski said...

Thank you Egmont! I love these!
What a beautiful gift you have given with the bookmarks but also the writing you shared. Can't wait to see what unfolds as you "give your dreams the breath of life". Love that! Happy New Year!

Teri said...

I must be doing something wrong because I cannot get them to print full size. Can you help? Thanks in advance. Glad to see you back!

The Artist Within Us said...

Dear Teri,

What you need to do is go to the link underneath the picture that will take you directly to the full size version in my 'Freebie' folder on Picasa.

Once you are in the folder, click on the image then just above it is the button 'download', click on that and retrieve it fro your computer.

Warmest regards,

Anonymous said...

Sending greetings to your lovely blog Egmont.I did already wish you well for 2011 elsewhere but to be sure..... may 2011 be very kind to you and bring much that s deeply enriching and offers moments of joy and well-being!

weaverpat said...

Thank you, Egmont, for generously sharing your thought-provoking photography through the bookmarks. It always amazes me to see the images you capture in the things that the rest of us pass by as ordinary.

I hope the coming year is an enjoyable and productive one for you. Your post is an inspiration for positive thinking. Thank you!

Best regards,
Pat W

Eva said...

Thank you for the wonderful New Year's gift. As soon as my desktop computer is fixed I shall download them.
It's good to see you on board again! We love seeing and reading your posts.

Luzia said...

Lieber Egmont, Dein neues Motto gefällt mir sehr gut! Du blickst voller Erwartung und Hoffnung in das neue Jahr. Ich hoffe, dass Deine Träume in Erfüllung gehen und viele schöne Erfahrungen in 2011 auf Dich warten! Vielen Dank auch für die schönen bookmarks, die Du für uns gestaltet hast! Liebe Grüße an Dich, Miss Kitty und die Familie von Luzia.

Dan Kent said...

It is so good to have you back! I feel for you and the journey you have been on. Two people I am close to are having major (life-threatening) health issues as we speak. I can see how facing such an illness could become all-consuming, as it has affected all of us. I cannot possibly imagine (though I suspect I will know one day), what it is like to face mortality so directly.

I greatly admire your goals for the coming year. I can say that my creative endeavors help me cope with everything else life throws at me, and I suspect it is the same for you. More than that - they can make everything shine! So best wishes for 2011 - I cannot wait to see what your living dreams will produce!

Tom-R said...


tess stieben said...

beautiful, you shine. I love your meditation note. I myself know how hard it is to unwrap from chronic health situation to put aside fears, to live and see deeper. Big Hugs.

Jill Zaheer said...

Dear Egmont,
Just love your calendar images here. Your telephone pole series is wonderful! Also find your "path" sentiment for this year very inspiring and will use it for myself as well.
Here's to fulfilling your dreams for 2011- in all ways possible! very best for the new year!

Carol said...

Egmont, a beautiful calendar and such an inspiring thought for us all to be going on with - "give your dreams the breath of life" - wow, I will write that on my heart. xx

Maggie Neale said...

Dear Egmont, always pleases me to see your words and images...wishing you much life and living in this new 2011.

Patrinas Pencil said...

Such a gentle soul you are...
I value your gentle spirit...your thots... your creative gifts...and your spiritually connectedness to life and to each one of us... your readers.

Blessed to have you in my world.

Praying for you tonight...and at every remembrance of you. :)

Patrina <")>><

Ange said...

FINALLY I'm taking some leisure time to catch up on my favourite blogs. I do beg forgiveness for having taken so long. As usual your images are 'époustouflantes' as we say in French. They blow me away.
Live live live Egmont. As much as you can and let's catch up soon

Bill said...

Stunning bookmarks! Thank you for sharing.