

Thank you

As we bring another year and our first decade for the century to a close in a few days, I have been reflecting on my first seven months of blogging. I had not known a thing about blogging, let alone visited any blogs. Well, all this has changed now.

With 17 post published and another 33 at Four Seasons in a Life, I am truly thankful for those who have stop by, had a look at my photographs and read the words to my thoughts. I am especially grateful to my regular readers who have chosen to follow, including the ones who elected to follow anonymously; I cherish your company just as much.

As we are about to enter into 2010, I look forward to our continued friendships, sharing each other’s art, ideas, and personal stories in the coming weeks and months. Maybe even one day we may have the opportunity to talk on the phone or possible meet in person.

I do not know what will await us in the coming year; I do know that visiting your blogs is like comfort food we long for on a cold evening or when we have a need to feed that sweet tooth in the afternoon. Your blogs have enriched my life on many levels, from knowledge to inspiration, to guidance, as well as offered a break from the days routine with a little much needed humour.

I thank you for your presence in blogesphere
and for sharing your world
with me and all of us.



  1. Egmont, It is we who should be thanking you! The beauty of your posts - the words and images - evokes a deep feeling within me everytime I visit your blog. You've generously shared with us the heart and soul of your creativity, which is an enormous gift indeed! And, your kind and always supportive friendship is cherished. I wish you a very happy holiday season and best wishes for good health, happiness, and prosperity in 2010!
    Warmest regards,

  2. Egmont,

    Nearing year's end I like to take the time to contemplate what has been good in my life and to truly appreciate each and every experience. The connections I've made have enriched my life in so many ways above the artistic. I thank you for being a part of this enriching experience by writing such eloquent and heart felt posts, by leaving comments on my blog, and participating in the ongoing conversations in blogs I follow. I look forward to what the new year brings.

    Have a joyous holiday season.

  3. I've enjoyed discovering your blog. Thanks for writing it!

  4. Thank YOU Egmont. I enjoy your posts and the thoughtful comments you leave on my blog and elswhere in the bloggersphere. Comfort food on a cold evening .... exactly! Hope this holiday season is happy and peaceful. "See" you in the new year.

  5. ah, my dear you nailed it down perfectly! your description of visiting other blogs as comfort food is so apropos! I feel this way when I visit your blogs as well. You give me so much to chew on!

    I am fast approaching my 200th post and I feel so very rich indeed to have met such amazing people! Like you, I dream of meeting in person some day!

    Here's to a beautiful new year with much love and opportunity, prosperity and peace!


  6. It is 5 minutes to midnight - Xmas day here... across the Pacific from you .... I'm waving... can you see?

    I'm sending a Happy Xmas to all in your sphere and thank you for divine inspiration Egmont!

    still waving... but must get to bed!

  7. Your excellent work and your beautifully designed blog are a treasure for all of us. I look forward to next years silver and gold posts from you. All best wishes to you in the New Year 2010!

  8. Hi Egmont,
    I like the simple, elegant tone of your blog! And the photos are a pleasure to look at.

    It's been fun reading your thoughts on this blog and your postings.

    Enjoy a festive holiday and New Year!

  9. Happy holidays and may your year be filled with new horizons.

    Dorothy from grammology

  10. Pure pleasure is receiving one of your thoughtful comments...and my pleasure is in visiting one of your blogs.
    Yes, let's all have a joyful and peaceful New Year here in blogesphere!
    Mary Ann

  11. Thank YOU! I always enjoy reading your words and look forward to continuing the journey in 2010.

  12. Beautiful thoughts, beautiful wishes, beautiful images.
    Thank you for your thoughts and comments, your encouragement and your very precious inspiring friendship. Happy Christmas and may we have the opportunity to enjoy, admire and be inspired by each other's art for many years to come...

  13. Thank you, Egmont. It has been a pleasure meeting you this year and I am grateful.


  14. Egmont, you mirror my thoughts exactly. You know, you are welcome to our humble home to share a bottle of Chateau Guiraud when ever you have the inclination. And I especially look forward to your reading your posts and your heartfelt musings on life.
    Blessed be the day you started blogging Egmont.

  15. These are beautiful images here Egmont, to go well with your thoughts which are so eloquently expressed. Wishing the Happiest of New Years for you Egmont.

  16. Wishing you the best for 2010 and all along the way on your journey. Happy holidays!

  17. My best - you give so much in your work, your words and in your comments. Peace.

  18. yes, it is true, we are all grateful to you for your sharing such beauty and truth with us - your blog brings such a measure of inspiration to us all - for that, we thank you! jenean

  19. i'm in agreement with the sentiments here expressed:
    it's a delight to have you as a blogging friend.

  20. I have come to you via Gypsy Woman. An intriguing blog. Have a very good New Year.

  21. Thank you for your wonderful words you write and your visit to my blog.

    So I hope 2010 brings you to those places which you can stop and look at the simple most perfect things in life.

  22. Wishing you a beautiful path in the new year, new adventures and unexpected surprises. Roxanne

  23. Happy 2010 to you dear friend; I have enjoyed my visits here, although they have only been a few, but I look forward to anew year with your blog.;)

  24. Because of the holidays I am quite behind in getting around to my favorite blogs-- thank you Egmont because you leave such thoughtful and thought provoking comments.
    happy 2010!

  25. Beautifully stated Egmont! I too continuously marvel at the kindness, connections and generosity in this land of blog! Thank you for another cozy and enriching spot to visit!
    All the best to you and yours this new year!

  26. Thank you. And happy holidays and a new year filled with illusions and hope.

  27. Wow, such a beautiful image, such poetry.


I appreciate you for choosing to leave a thoughtful comment (in your native language), for this I am grateful and I will reply to all by leaving a comment here. ♥

Thank you, Vielen Dank, Merci, Gracias,
Dank U, Obrigado, Mille Grazie
. . .