

My first ‘Blog Award’

As I greatly value each ‘Follower’, I have also had the good fortune of establishing friendships through the private exchange of correspondence, which I hold very close to my heart. So when I received this heartfelt and sincere ‘blog award’ from Trudi at Two Dresses Studio yesterday, I was deeply touched and of course very surprised. A big thanks followed by a California style bear hug for Trudi.

In the 144 days in which I have been blogging, I have been exposed to some incredible artist and especially seeing things in a different perspective. This wonderful venue has added to my life with richness that cannot be measured in words and I know that as I continue my on-line presence, these mentally enriching and visually stimulating treasures, along with the friendships that continue to grow and blossom, will only become more priceless.

To select even a small handful of blog artists is difficult, especially since Trudi also honoured Donna at Layers, with whom I also share a wonderful friendship. There is Sophie who mentally stimulates me, or my friend of many years, Gun, along with Seth, an incredible altered book artist, and others who would all be well deserving of this award.

While I ponder further I wish to express that any award given is not about the award, but what one feels in the heart about that person, therefore I ask you to look at my blog roll and find a new contact that applies to you and make a new friend.

In the end I feel this is the best gift I can pass along, since it rewards you the reader and the new friend you have discovered.


  1. Just popped in very quickly to your blog/s and found a lovely surprise be featured this month!
    Thank you so much.

    I am also delighted to see Trudi from Two dresses studio has given your this much deserved award.
    I noticed the many commentors at 4 seasons on your
    collage post before and can see why Trudi felt an honorable mention was due!

    Very nicely put in this post towards the end Egmont...

    My sense of participating in a benevolent universe has only increased since seems to make room for a whole spectrum of engaging with others- from light, fleeting hellos, to the regular visitors offering warm-hearted encouragement and feedback all the way to the sometimes more complex sharing of ideas and thoughts that generates greater understanding and meaningfulness of connection...which I believe is especially important now...I heard a wonderful writer/poet recently refer to our present time as a 'shrill time'.

    Well I feel very grateful to be part of your web of connections Egmont...all these satellites of expressive, thoughtful people bringing much to each other...what a tonic!

  2. Congrats, Egmont. I feel honored to have you as my blog mentor.

  3. Congratulations on your award, Egmont and thank you for the bright suggestion of making a new friend. I have enjoyed my visiting.

  4. Congratulations Egmont. This recognotion is highly deserved!

  5. I think your Blog is put together very well indeed, informative, easy to use and you are a splendid Writer as well as an Artist.
    Well deserved ... well done!

  6. Congrats on your very well deserved award Egmont. You are a wonderful addition to the art blogging family. And thank you so much for your kind mention of my artwork as well!


I appreciate you for choosing to leave a thoughtful comment (in your native language), for this I am grateful and I will reply to all by leaving a comment here. ♥

Thank you, Vielen Dank, Merci, Gracias,
Dank U, Obrigado, Mille Grazie
. . .